My Orcish Mate (Monster Merge Romance Book 2) by Jacqueline Carmine

My Orcish Mate (Monster Merge Romance Book 2) by Jacqueline Carmine

Author:Jacqueline Carmine [Carmine, Jacqueline]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2024-02-14T00:00:00+00:00


The whole day passes by in a blur. A cold shower before I rush to dress for work. Black slacks with a white button-down pair well with my best pair of black dress shoes. I’ve already packed an overnight bag with a neatly folded outfit for tomorrow’s brunch. Khakis and a tan collared shirt. My mother always says beige makes my skin glow. My cousins like to say I look like a tree.

If Elise hates the look, I will just wear the white shirt.

It’s a long day full of paperwork and while I expect the day to drag by the clock hits five before I know it. I find myself rechecking my bag as I wait for seven to roll around. The two hours I spent waiting for my date with Elise to begin were longer than the eight I spent at work.

“You’re early!” Elise greets me at the door in a towel.

I urge her back into her apartment before anyone else can see her damp skin on display. The small beads of water dotting her breasts and running down the arch of her neck are only for my eyes.

It’s after the door closes behind me that she notices the duffel bag slung over my shoulder.

“Is that an overnight bag?” She asks in a high-pitched tone.

Glancing down at the bag I packed and repacked a dozen times I’m brought up short by her tone. I’ve overstepped. By a foot or a mile, I have no idea. The bag seemed like a logical step.

“I’m sorry. It felt like the right thing to do.” I apologize and try to explain my reasoning while she stares at me with wide eyes.

“The sex wasn’t casual for you.” She finally says.

“No.” I pause on a painful breath, “But it was for you.”

She doesn’t answer but her silence speaks volumes. A smaller male might choose now to cut his loses but I’ve never been a small male.

“I don’t do anything by small measures. I can go slow, but I can’t go back.”

“This is heavy for a second date.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I didn’t say it was a bad thing. It’s just heavy and I wasn’t ready.” She closes the distance between us and takes the strap of my duffle bag off my shoulder. “But I think I’m ready now.”

“For a presumptuous overnight bag?” I ask as I follow her through the apartment to the bedroom.

“For heavy.” She says, sitting my bag on her unmade bed. “It’s good you got here early.”


“Yeah.” She says slipping out of her towel. “If I have to confront my commitment issues, I’m getting sex out of it.”

“I’m early because I made a reservation. At a steakhouse because I wasn’t sure if you were allergic to seafood or not.”

“That,” She pauses and takes a deep breath, “Is very sweet.”

“Food is important in both human and orc courtships.”


“Sex is important as well.”

“Yes, it is. Some might say it’s more important than the food.”

“I need to make a quick call.”

“You do that.”

“They’ll let me push it back an hour.


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